Research Labs

Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience

List of current projects:


Low-Cost Brain Activity Sensing

Affordable and robust mobile wireless headset.
Alternative to scalp potentials in neurofeedback.

Research line: psychophysiology / brain activity sensing
Theoretical basis: EEG, NIRS, MEG, ECoG
Empirical evidence: Nicolas-Alonso & Gómez-Gil, 2012
Expected outcome: review of low-quality, low-cost, low-spatial-resolution headsets
Current state: testing different hw configurations
HW platform:
 various manufacturers + custom hardware
PI: Raúl Arrabales
Code: N/A


Fall Detection Systems

Fall detection and prediction system based in
wearable sensors. Human pose dynamics.

Research line: assistive technologies for elderly and people with disabilities.
Theoretical basis: sensor data pattern detection and prediction.
Empirical evidence: Ordóñez, F. J., & Roggen, D. (2016).
Expected outcome: reliable automatic fall alert
Current state: testing different sensor data sets and deep learning architectures
HW platform:
 various manufacturers + custom hardware
PI: Francisco Javier Ordoñez
Researchers: Yan Bello
Code: FDS Project and Code

Other research projects are currently in stealth mode, please contact us for more details.